Disciples Of Christ is the only Christian organisation that uses direct action to stand firmly against the global persecution of Christians. Join the crusade to protect our brothers and sisters.

Who are the Disciples Of Christ?

We are concerned citizens and practicing Christians who have identified a number of threats to the one true faith in modern Britain and beyond. We are an activist and protest movement, raising awareness and encouraging biblical education and Christian networking. The official launch of the Disciples Of Christ movement was the 25th of May 2024.

What do we do and how do we do it?

Disciples of Christ is the missing link. The white space which needs to be addressed. That is Christian action. That is Christian activism. We encourage:

- Non-denominational, non-nationalistic Christian activism to revitalise Christianity.

- Raising awareness about the persecution and genocide of Christians worldwide.

- Challenging the threats to the one true faith in Britain and beyond.

- Typically we liaise with the police to ensure a degree of safety from those who radically oppose us.

- We denounce all extremism from all groups and make it clear that racists and extremists are not welcome at protests/demonstrations.

What do we want to achieve?

We hope to unite Christian denominations against the growing threats against all of us. This should involve coming together and unifying under our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ, reminding Christians of our duty to defend and teach the faith, to pick up our cross and to raise awareness that the UK is a Christian country with Christian values. It is our duty to further the Church and defend it from those that seek to destroy it.